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Energetics Infinite

Frequently Asked Questions


I am new to Energetics Infinite, where should I start?

We recommend you start with one of our EI Session events! You are always welcome to join us at our next planned event. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates on our upcoming events!

How do I sign up for my first EI Session?

You may schedule an EI Session with us by visiting our homepage at any time! You may also join us for our periodic EI session events.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter as well in order to keep up with promotions and upcoming events!

Do I need to have certain beliefs or be religious in order to have a session with Jags?

The source energy you will receive as part of EI Sessions has nothing to do with any specific type of religious beliefs or faith. Results are achieved regardless of anyone’s religious or ideological beliefs. Transcending religious belief and faith, we instead advocate only one thing… Results! 

Check out our EI Sessions page to view just some of the amazing benefits reported by our participants!

Can this energy be used instead of medical treatment?

Jags claims no medical affiliations and states that he is not a medical doctor. Although miraculous mental, emotional, physical health improvements are often reported as a result of working with Jags, he does not give medical advice or offer a substitute for prescribed medications. He always recommends that a medical doctor be consulted for any medical concerns or conditions.

How do I book a one-on-one session with Jags?

Visit our home page to schedule a session with Jags.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter as well in order to keep up with promotions and upcoming events!

What happens during a one-on-one session with Jags?

- You will arrive, have refreshments and have the opportunity to sit quietly and connect with the energy in the environment

- We will give you a form that you will fill out with 1-2 points you would like to have addressed 

- You will receive an EI session from Jags one at a time

- You will have the opportunity to rest for a few minutes after the session

- Jags will share more about EI Sessions, topics to help further growth, and answer any questions you may have!